Biological systems are largely made of soft materials such as colloids,
polymers, foams, gels, and membranes. Softness of the constituent materials
provide complexity, flexibility, toughness as well as responsiveness to
biological systems. Soft matter physics aims for fundamental understanding
of "softness" of biological materials. Why core parts of living
organisms consist of soft materials?
Mechanics of soft matters in living systems are regulated by metabolic
activity. The non-equilibrium mechanics of soft matters play essential
roles to facilitate dynamic processes in life. We investigate the statistical
mechanics and dynamics of the process from material physics perspectives,
by measuring "softness" and "non-equilibrium properties"
of soft matter.
- Natsuki Honda's article was published in New Journal of Phys, ''Nonlinear master relation in microscopic mechanical response of semiflexible biopolymer networks''
- Prof. Daisuke Mizuno's article was published in Physical Review Letters, ''Noise-Induced Acceleration of Single Molecule Kinesin-1''
- Assistant prof. Hiroyuki Ebata is newly assigned to our laboratry
- Our reserch was published in SEITAI NO KAGAKU Vol. 72 No. 3 (authors: Daisuke Mizuno, Yujiro Sugino)
- Our reserch was published in JIKKEN IGAKU Vol.39 No.10 (authors: Daisuke Mizuno, Makoto Fujiwara, Shono Inokuchi and Yujiro Sugino)
- Prof. Daisuke Mizuno's article was published in Soft matter, "Rapid Local Compression in Active Gels is Caused by Nonlinear Network Response"
- Yujiro Sugino's article was publishued in Applied Sciences, "Optimization of Optical Trapping and Laser Interferometory in Biological Cells"
- Invited talk in Chiba University
- Kohei Fukumoto (master's student) was awarded the poster prize for 9th soft matter conference, Japan
- Invited talk in Tohoku University
- Invited talk in the American Physical Society, March
- Invited talk in annual meeting of 66th the society of rheology, Japan
- Takayuki Ariga's article was published in Physical Review Letters, "Nonequilibrium Energetics of Molecular Motor Kinesin"
- Masahiro Ikenaga (master' student) was awarded the poster prize for 8th World Congress of Biomechanics 2018
- Kenji Nishizawa (doctor's student) was awarded the best poster award for young researcher in SFS2017
- Kenji Nishizawa's article was published in Scientific Reports, "Universal Glass-Forming Behavior of in vitro and living Cytoplasm"
- Kenji Nishizawa's article was published in Science Advances, "Feedback-Tracking Microrheology in Living Cells"
- Takashi Kurihara's article was published in Physical Review E, "Non-Gaussian Limt Fluctuations in Active Swimmer Suspensions"
- Kenji Nishizawa was awarded the best presentation award for the dying code and cell competition young workshop 2017, Japan
- Kenji Nishizawa was awarded the best presentation award for the 55th anual meeting of the biophysical society of Japan, Japan
- Kohei Tanamachi was awarded the poster prize for 64th the society of rheology, Japan
- Our article was publised in Rhysical Review Letters, "Analytical Limit Distributions from Random Power-Law Interactions
- Ryo Ogiwara (master's student) was awarded the poster prize for cell competition colloquium, Japan
- Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan
- Work shop "nonequilibrium soft matter"
- "high resolution probing of cellular force transmission" editor's suggestion
- Invited talk in annual seeting of Japan physical society
- Hosted SSP symposium (physics)
- Invited talk in American Society for cell biology, annual meeting
- S. M. Perren Research Award